Journey Through Studio Spaces
Journey Through Studio Spaces
This is my journey through several studio spaces! It's interesting to see how I transformed through each of the spaces. I truly believe they each had a powerful impact on myself and on my artwork.
Hometown in Florida, garage-art-studio
My art studio in the garage of the house I grew up in. I remember it was incredibly hot, but I loved being able to open the garage doors and let the sunshine fill the room.
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (PAFA) Studio
My first ever studio outside of my hometown house! The studio was inside of the academy I was attending in Philadelphia, PA called PAFA. I was very excited. It was really spacious which was wonderful, but I learned I don't operate very well in unheated, dark environments. I had to wear a jacket inside! Quite opposite from my previous studio. I found out how important it is for me to have lots of light, preferably natural light, or it effects me negatively. It's interesting to see how it effected my artwork.
New Window Studio (still at PAFA)
I was so thrilled to change studio spaces! To one with a HUGE window! That year I was so inspired.
This was a picture I took of my first all nighter, of many, creating artwork. I didn't go home for 2 weeks after this was taken, I felt so inspired.
Needless to say, I couldn't be happier
This was probably the coolest my studio looked before the ASE art exhibit for PAFA. I wish I took more pictures! I had paintings hanging from the wall and from the ceiling and laying all over the floor. It felt like a cocoon of all my work spun around me. This year was a major turning point for me.
Moved my art studio to a storefront location in Old City Philadelphia. The window front space is a gallery, and the back of the space is my art studio.
Let me first of all just say this is when the best years of my life start.
It was a rough start since I shattered my arm/wrist right away when painting a mural on a ladder... I just thank God that it wasn't my right arm! :)
This space is absolutely gorgeous, it is truly my dream come true of a place. I still have to pinch myself sometimes to see if I am dreaming.
This is when we just finished up the last touches to renovating the space! Here is the back studio area! We built a wall to divide the space in half so I could have privacy. The wall doesn't go all the way up so that the light from the window can come over!
You can kind of see the gallery section from the door here.
I started creating so much work that I had to migrate to the gallery floor and work there as well!
Gotta say, I fell in LOVE with working on the floor! It does take a toll on your back after a while though!
In the gallery area working on paintings/making a mess...
Working all night through the sunrise!! The sun is so beautiful in the gallery space ah...
I have too much art, I need to sell some work! :) If you know any tips on who'd be interested, I'm interested!
My art studio = my paradise
No place I'd rather be.
Thanks so much for checking out my journey!
This is a to be continued! :)
Nicole Lane said:
What a gorgeous story and inspiring work spaces. I’m so excited for you Lindsay, congrats on your studio space and gallery. :)
Jena LaFrance said:
Thank you for sharing your journey. It is truly inspiring! It motivates me to follow my beautiful dreams for yours have come true. Visiting your art studio is most definitely on my bucket list :)
Jena LaFrance
Trudy Peters-Isenhour said:
Ms. Rapp, I sure do wish I had seen your artwork before I commissioned another artist for portraits of each of my3 Grandaughters as a Christmas gift to 2 of my 3 daughters!! They are very good, but I must say adding into them your unique quality would have been awe inspiring to say the least!! I will be watching out for your future works of art. I see your a Florida native; I live in Sarasota, FL. Although happy for you & the opening of your gallery in PA; it would be awesome to have a gallery opened up in Clearwater, for it would only be about a 45 min drive to you!! I’m very inspired by your works of art!!?☮